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FICO® Score Opt-In

Free, No-Hit Credit Score

Our Tulee Credit Score Tool makes it easy to check your score once a month for free. And there’s no impact on your credit report. Whether you’re applying for a home or auto loan, filling out an apartment rental application, or applying for a new job, knowing your score and what others may see helps alert you to potential problems and keeps you at the top of your financial game. 

But we need your permission to send it to you. Simply fill out the opt-in form below and click the Submit button at the bottom of the page. Once opted in, you will see your score in Tulee at the beginning of the following month. You'll never have to ask for it again (unless you ask us not to send it – then you'll have to ask all over again).

To learn more about our Credit Score Tool watch the How Tulee video or download the infographic .

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I understand that only the Primary owner’s FICO® Scores will be shown. I as the account holder/primary owner, authorize and consent that any joint owner of this account or anyone to whom I have given access to my account online may view my FICO® Scores. I further understand that if I choose in the future to discontinue receiving my FICO® Scores, I can notify Farmers Insurance Federal Credit Union of my decision to stop receiving FICO® Scores.

FICO® Fair Isaac Corporation